Netguru Logo


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Leader’s support

Ask for help, give and get feedback, set up goals and develop your skills.

Fast-paced career path

Opportunities for professional development, a promotion and a pay rise.


Start your adventure with guidance and support of a mentor from the first day.

Growth budget

Pick your conference or training of choice to learn & travel around the world.

Knowledge sharing

Internal webinars, regular workshops and rich knowledge base.

Product quality is the key, so we built our processes around quality-driven development and unit tests. Code review and QA testing are part and parcel of our standard operating procedure.

We follow the agile methodology to stay flexible and meet your needs as they change and grow along with your project.

We make sure our products run fast and are easily scalable. We also ensure that the deployment process runs smoothly with no server interruptions. At the same time, we avoid 'scaling too early' to save you time and money.

Informacja kontaktowa

Strona internetowa